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Due Diligence and Valuations in the Energy sector
PRAXI’s Energy Business Unit is made up of a group of Engineers with high-level expertise in energy, finance, legislation and environment who work in close cooperation with PRAXI experts on economic, financial and IT matters, and is partner of the most important players in the Renewable Energy sector, with services provided on about 1,500 projects for a total of over 3 GW of installed power. Independent experts from investment funds, specialised in renewable energy, complete the team of PRAXI professionals.
Our Clients include:
Investment Funds
Credit Institutes
Leasing Companies
Private Investors
Industrial and Commercial Companies
Public Administrations
O&M Contractors.
Credit Institutes: Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank S.p.A. - Intesa SanPaolo Provis S.p.A. - Mediocredito Italiano S.p.A. - UBI Leasing S.p.A. - Unicredit Leasing S.p.A.
Asset Management Companies: KRONOS S.p.A. - POLIS FONDI SGR.p.A. - REAM S.G.R. - SISTAN S.G.R. - Sorgente S.G.R. S.p.A. - Tages Capital SGR S.p.A.
Energy Sector Companies: Acea S.p.A. - A2A S.p.A - E2E S.p.A. - Ellomay Capital - IREN S.p.A. e IREN Rinnovabili S.p.A.
PRAXI has UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification

Energy Sectors we work in
Renewable Energy:
Traditional photovoltaics
Solar thermodynamics
Concentration Photovoltaics (CPV)
biomass, biogas, biomethane
Wind energy
Hydroelectric energy
Geothermal energy
Cogeneration/Tri-generation and district/long-distance heating networks
Energy Efficiency

- Independent experts from investment funds specialised in renewable energy
- Valuation and estimation of Market Value
- Consulting on NPL (Non-Performing Loans): analyses, valuation, technical advisory, economic and legal, business planning, Due Diligence relative to portfolios of energy plants
- Business Plans and feasibility analyses
- M&A (Mergers & Acquisition) assistance on operations
- Verification of project financing
- Technical, administrative and economic consulting
- Site Visit
- Independent Technical Consulting
- Asset Management Services
- Check of documents for GSE (Energy Supervisory Services) control
- Estimation relative to insurance values
- Instrumental check on photovoltaic energy plants
- Search for defects on photovoltaic plants
- Instrumental laboratory tests on photovoltaic plants
- Checks on biogas plants
- Checks on wind energy plants
- Energy diagnoses in conformity with UNI CEI 11339:2009 regulation
- Energy audit: in-depth and continuous analyses of the energy system
- Assistance with ISO 50001 certification
- Personalised energy management services, including assistance to the Energy Manager inside the company
- Analyses of energy supply and transfer contracts
- Analyses of contracts for third-party financing (FTT)
- Technical-economic and feasibility analyses of energy efficient operations and risk evaluation
- Technical-administrative Due Diligence
- Monitoring independent of consumption
- Certification of savings
Certificated personnel
PRAXI has a team of qualified and certified Professionals, such as:
Energy Management Experts (EGE) in conformity with UNI CEI 11339:2009 PEI and PES operators for work under voltage Certificated operators for work at height